به یاد داشته باشیم برای اینکه بتوانیم بهتر صحبت کنیم یا بهتر است بگویم برای اینکه بتوانیم با یک آمریکایی زبان و یا یک انگلیسی زبان به راحتی صحبت کنیم، باید در مکلمات خود از اصطلاحات رایج در زبان انگلیسی استفاده کنیم. همان طور که میدانید اصطلاحات، عباراتی هستند که اغلب حدس معنی آنها با تنها دانستن کلمات آن به صورت جداگانه، دشوار میباشد. بنابراین شما این عبارات را باید حفظ کنید و در زمان مناسب از آنها استفاده کنید.
- Idioms
- 1.Keep your eyes open
- 2.Keep your head
- 3.Keep your mouth shut
- 4.Be rational Reza
- 5.May God preserve you
- 6.Don’t blame me
- 7.Why don’t you get it
- 8.I hate you all
- 9.What’s my sin
- 10.It’s not clear yet
- 11.What was the problem
- 12.You can’t deceive me
- 13.How are you kid
- 14.What’s the story
- 15.Lower your voice
- 16.There’s no other option
- 17.We were forced
- 18.But I feel sad for you
- 19.What have got to say
- 20.You said the right thing
- 21.Cast away your doubts and come with me
- 22.Keep it to yourself
- 23.He is completely down today
- 24.Let’s go to the heart of the matter
- 25.What are you hinting at
- 26.We enjoyed your hospitality
- 27.Thanks and hope to come here again
- 28.I like chicken fry best
- 29.Thank you any how
- 30.How much is the entrance fee
- 31.It is a pleasure to know you
- 32.I confess to my sin
- 33.Act your age
- 34.After all
- 35.All and all put together
- 36.Are you bashful
- 37.As you know
- 38.Are you out of mind
- 39.Away with you
- 40.But that aside
- 41.Big boy don’t cry
- 42.By the grace of God
- 43.Could I be excused
- 44.Do as you see it fit
- 45.Do this more often
- 46.Don’t make it sound like big deal
- 47.Get out of my face
- 48.How many times do I have to tell you
- 49.Yours truly
- 50.You are really cool
- 51.You mean a world to me
- 52.Wake up, lazy bones
- 53.She is my body body=She is my chum chum
- 54.Oh, come off it
- 55.Make up your mind
- 56.Like the man says
- 57.I didn’t expect you
- 58.Make the most of it
- 59.Past events
- 60.Nothing will get better
- 61.I will never forget your kindness
- 62.Damn this life
- 63.We don’t bother you
- 64.By God’s will
- 65.Nothing will go wrong
- 66.May God bless your parents
- 67.What’s up here
- 68.Don’t say more
- 69.Time is up
- 70.You’re so welcome
- 71.This is not fair
- 72.Have I done something wrong
- 73.You can count on me
- 74.I swear I’m sorry
- 75.You let me down
- 76.Don’t you recognize
- 77.I can’t take your sadness
- 78.At this time of night
- 79.I was about leave
- 80.What a fool I was
- 81.Put your trust in God
- 82.There’s no need anymore
- 83.I’ve got the wrong number
- 84.It’s all over
- 85.Don’t fool around
- 86.We’ll never get them
- 87.You ruined my life
- 88.As easy as that
- 89.What’s it to you
- 90.Stop if you dare
- 91.Don’t breathe a word
- 92.That was cool
- 93.It may happen to you too
- 94.Curse me
- 95.What else did you want
- 96.You’re under arrest
- 97.I don’t get you
- 98.What else can I say
- 99.Have gone mad
- 100.He never gets wise
- English_Lover
- دوشنبه ۶ ارديبهشت ، ۱۴:۰۲ ب.ظ
- اصطلاحات روزمره (Idioms)
- بازدید : ۱۲۳۷